About The Department:
The Department of Consumption Management and Energy Economics was launched in 2021 and subsequently incorporated in the organizational chart of the Sun-Air Research Institute of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
With the aim of identifying, utilization, feasibility analysis, and raising cultural awareness of existing capabilities on both urban and provincial scales, this department was formed to activate current capacities especially the human capital to steer the efforts and expertise of academics, students, researchers and entrepreneurs towards strategic yet underrated issues in this area.
Optimization and management of energy consumption are of utmost importance in nowadays environmental, industrial, and household sectors. This subject takes into account approaches for the proper and efficient use of energy that are satisfactory to social communities by implementing initiatives which lead to the sustainability of energy for the society. Cost reduction and economic savings mandate an overall cultural change that would mitigate the wasteful use of fossil fuels, reduce Greenhouse gases and cut the harmful effects on the environment.
Energy economics also discusses the optimal production, distribution and consumption of energy, highlighting the importance to evaluate the cost of energy, as well as regulating and monitoring the policies and solutions that deliver the produced energy to the consumer. Furthermore, establishing tariff discrimination policies (for domestic and commercial subscribers) which determine the price paid by the end-user is another discourse in this domain. Due to incessant use and misuse, non-renewable energy resources are running out in the near future. Energy economics has a vital role to evaluate and deliver a roadmap on how to allocate and employ these scarce resources.
- Emerging as a scientific reference for
1- providing alternative solutions to fossil fuels
2- energy optimization with economic approach in the country
3- attaining specialized information and data on energy (especially renewable) and environment
4- comprehensive economic analysis of energy in the country and the region
- Participation and consultation in organizing macro plans and policies in the field of energy management
- Marketing, identifying, and techno-economic assessment of energy saving and productivity opportunities in industrial and construction sectors
- Developing energy audit plans and establishing an energy utilization system by creating an energy database for beneficiaries
- Providing training and job creation opportunities for technical and specialized forces
- Delivering solutions for reducing consumption and culture awareness and alteration in energy consumption management an modifying the pattern of energy consumption
- Promoting energy security
- Providing alternative energy sources to fossil fuels concerning economic and environmental issues
Strengths, Necessities and Goals
- Addressing the economic aspects in energy related engineering and analysis
- Turning to smart urban transportation systems
- Laying the groundwork for attaining welfare, high employment rates and boosting social economic robustness
- Promoting the key role of economic models in increasing the productivity of the energy sector
- Encouraging the culture of adequate management of renewable energy consumption
- Paying attention to the future research of the security and energy efficiency sector in the country
- Reducing the amount of environmental pollutants and combating global warming
- Development of applied studies in energy consumption management and economics inside and outside this research center